Friday 23 April 2010

Can't sleep

Just a quick post, since I can't sleep.
I've been wasting my evening of looking up universities instead of focusing on work T__T

But at least I now have an idea of which universities to go for and what I want to do.
I've found some great courses which combine Business studies/Business management with a language (that have Chinese or Japanese as an option) at Manchester and Birmingham. Sheffield do Korean too. So I've spent loads of time looking up open days haha XD I'd still like to go to Oxbridge to do Japanese/Chinese but I don't know if I'd be able to get in.. guess it's worth a try :/
King's College do a really great Business Management course and they say they have a language option you can do with the course, but I need to find out what languages :)

So, after this uni application preparation talk we had at school the other day, I almost want to give up on Edinburgh which was one of my top choices until then.
Apparently, they're too biased towards Scottish people, and basically they're anti-English and anti-private school. Our head of sixth form was like, "If I had a XX-year old who went to this school, I wouldn't advise them applying for Edinburgh" T___T FML

So now, I'm even more determined to go to America where I can major in Business and minor in language, or vice versa or double major XD


  1. Aww, being unable to sleep sucks ):
    Looking for universities is so stressful D:
    Aha, the minimum (what do they want, superhumans?!) A Level grades Cambridge want for Japanese studies is A*/A/A. I didn't even know you could get an A* at A level o___O

  2. Haha yes, I'm such an insomniac XD
    And ABSOLUTELY YES. Although I looked up Manchester's course for Japanese studies and Modern Language with Business & Management where your chosen language is Japanese and the courses looks brilliant! They have a course called "Girls, Culture and Society in Japan" and you get to study things high school girl subculture, gothic lolita style and costume play LOL! I was like ZOMG! NO WAY! *O* Haha
    But yes, Cambridge is so selective D: They've only just introduced A*. The people in the Upper Sixth (Year 13) will be the first people who can get A* at A-level o-o
