I update HERE more.
Monday, 27 December 2010
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Decisions decisions
I haven't seen you in a while 8D
OMG so much has happened.
And decisions have been made!
First of all- university.
Since my mum is INTENT on me applying to Oxbridge, I have decided which one I am going to apply for: Oxford.
I went there for an open day and I LOVED the place.
I want to do Oriental Studies there, which would mean studying Japanese or Mandarin, a decision I still have not totally made.
So they told me, by the time I enter, the entire course will have changed. It's going to be more similar to Cambridge's course in fact.
The first year you start learning the language and taking other classes such as history, culture, economics, literature, whatever you want (I think).
Second year you spend abroad in the country of your chosen language.
Third year you can take a subsidiary language (which will probably be Japanese or Mandarin for me, as much as I want to do Korean as well T-T) and fourth year you just keep going.
That's basically it.
So yeah, I'd love to go to Oxford. But.. getting in, is going to be challenging D:
I've also been to Manchester and Sheffield's open days. The courses at Sheffield look really good. Manchester looks okay, that will probably be my last choice.
I also had a look around SOAS on a private appointment. The university is okay. It's quite small but at the same time, I kind of like the fact it's in London. I still need to look in to the courses there. No doubt they will probably be good since the university specialises in Asian languages (as well as African).
So in order of choice, I think the following:
- Oxford
- Sheffield
- Manchester
I can have a fifth one, but I don't really know where else to apply to.
Edinburgh I was advised against because they can be biased towards Scottish and international students.
So, I guess I can still try for US universities, I've still got my SATs booked and paid for. But... I still haven't studied for them T__T I'm not gonna do so well.. I can feel it.
And I still need to decide where to apply to in the US, if at all. D:
I think, the most important decision I need to make right now is, whether to study Japanese or Mandarin. I can always learn the other as a subsidiary language, but I don't know which one I should focus on.
One day I'm like, 'I'll do Mandarin!' and on another day, I'll be like 'I think I'll be much happier doing Japanese'.
I still don't know what I want to be in future. But I've had ideas of setting up shops in the West selling Asian products.
So, let's make a list of motives for doing each language.
- Useful in future because of China's growing economy
- Get things made in China for future business
- A lot more people speak Mandarin worldwide
- I prefer the culture and language
- I can see myself living in Japan
- More Japanese brands/products to sell for future business
My parents say I should do Mandarin.
But to be honest, I'd feel a lot happier doing Japanese. But I also know, Mandarin is a lot more useful.
My friend also told me, that it is hard for women to get jobs in Japan.
Argh, I really don't know. T____T
Thursday, 3 June 2010
OMGAWD life has been crazy D:
Exams exams exams..
although I haven't been doing a great deal of revision for them -___-;
I BOUGHT A PIG RABBIT! Also bought one for Cristie as well :D
It's sooo cute! I took it in to school, and although people didn't know the significance of it, they thought it was really cute >3<
Exams exams exams..
although I haven't been doing a great deal of revision for them -___-;
I BOUGHT A PIG RABBIT! Also bought one for Cristie as well :D
It's sooo cute! I took it in to school, and although people didn't know the significance of it, they thought it was really cute >3<
I'm sooo obssessed with BEAST lately. Gahh, ♥ them so much :) I keep listening to their songs, and watching their shows. I can't get enough! I even created a blog just for them hehe
And I managed to level up on their cafe! So I can now stalk them further by accessing their schedule, images, vids and messages from them >:3 kkk~
I registered for the SAT the other day D: OMG. I'm so scared. A whole summer of prepping >.<
But I'm gonna go for UK universities as well. Got SOAS in mind, as it's closer to home. Plus lots of resources for learning Asian languages ;D I'm thinking of doing Business Management with an Asian language. I want to do Japanese, but my parents are like "NOOO DO CHINESE". Which I do suppose would be more useful. So I'm thinking SOAS as they have great resources for learning more than one Asian language. Most other universities only let you learn one anyway. Plus, it's in LONDON! Very multi-cultural and I could probably make more contacts :)
Anyway, I should get on with making an instrumental for something. You'll find out later ;)
And I managed to level up on their cafe! So I can now stalk them further by accessing their schedule, images, vids and messages from them >:3 kkk~
I registered for the SAT the other day D: OMG. I'm so scared. A whole summer of prepping >.<
But I'm gonna go for UK universities as well. Got SOAS in mind, as it's closer to home. Plus lots of resources for learning Asian languages ;D I'm thinking of doing Business Management with an Asian language. I want to do Japanese, but my parents are like "NOOO DO CHINESE". Which I do suppose would be more useful. So I'm thinking SOAS as they have great resources for learning more than one Asian language. Most other universities only let you learn one anyway. Plus, it's in LONDON! Very multi-cultural and I could probably make more contacts :)
Anyway, I should get on with making an instrumental for something. You'll find out later ;)
Friday, 23 April 2010
Can't sleep
Just a quick post, since I can't sleep.
I've been wasting my evening of looking up universities instead of focusing on work T__T
But at least I now have an idea of which universities to go for and what I want to do.
I've found some great courses which combine Business studies/Business management with a language (that have Chinese or Japanese as an option) at Manchester and Birmingham. Sheffield do Korean too. So I've spent loads of time looking up open days haha XD I'd still like to go to Oxbridge to do Japanese/Chinese but I don't know if I'd be able to get in.. guess it's worth a try :/
King's College do a really great Business Management course and they say they have a language option you can do with the course, but I need to find out what languages :)
So, after this uni application preparation talk we had at school the other day, I almost want to give up on Edinburgh which was one of my top choices until then.
Apparently, they're too biased towards Scottish people, and basically they're anti-English and anti-private school. Our head of sixth form was like, "If I had a XX-year old who went to this school, I wouldn't advise them applying for Edinburgh" T___T FML
So now, I'm even more determined to go to America where I can major in Business and minor in language, or vice versa or double major XD
I've been wasting my evening of looking up universities instead of focusing on work T__T
But at least I now have an idea of which universities to go for and what I want to do.
I've found some great courses which combine Business studies/Business management with a language (that have Chinese or Japanese as an option) at Manchester and Birmingham. Sheffield do Korean too. So I've spent loads of time looking up open days haha XD I'd still like to go to Oxbridge to do Japanese/Chinese but I don't know if I'd be able to get in.. guess it's worth a try :/
King's College do a really great Business Management course and they say they have a language option you can do with the course, but I need to find out what languages :)
So, after this uni application preparation talk we had at school the other day, I almost want to give up on Edinburgh which was one of my top choices until then.
Apparently, they're too biased towards Scottish people, and basically they're anti-English and anti-private school. Our head of sixth form was like, "If I had a XX-year old who went to this school, I wouldn't advise them applying for Edinburgh" T___T FML
So now, I'm even more determined to go to America where I can major in Business and minor in language, or vice versa or double major XD
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Really need to work.
Oh dear.
I've done NO revision so far O__O
And it's been a week already since the start of Easter holidays.
I should really get on with some work, maybe start some music after this blog entry >__>"
But ZOMG. I suddenly remembered earlier, it's Haruma's birthday tomorrow! Although, in Japan, it's already his birthday D:
How could I forget?!

LOL it's quite an old pic of him, but he's still gorgeous all the same :) I need to catch up on the latest few episodes of Bloody Monday actually :O I swear, his character is so jjang! *O* I love Falcon! ♥
Uwahh, so I was going to plan on doing something for his birthday, but I have no ideas. Plus, Japanese entertainment companies are more strict with fan sent things. In fact, I don't think you're allowed to send gifts in at all. Only fan mail. It's a shame really :/
So I went to see Kick-Ass (the film) earlier. It was really good and so funny! Although it turned out to be more violent and rude than I thought! But I loved the girl's character, Hit Girl, she's so fesity hehe >D
It's about this comicbook loving high school boy who decides to dress up as a (super)hero and save innocent people's lives. It's a great film to watch, if you can handle a lot of swearing and occassional Kill Bill-esque violence.
I'm working on a new project at the moment... it's a secret, but hopefully, all will be revealed soon :)
I've done NO revision so far O__O
And it's been a week already since the start of Easter holidays.
I should really get on with some work, maybe start some music after this blog entry >__>"
But ZOMG. I suddenly remembered earlier, it's Haruma's birthday tomorrow! Although, in Japan, it's already his birthday D:
How could I forget?!

LOL it's quite an old pic of him, but he's still gorgeous all the same :) I need to catch up on the latest few episodes of Bloody Monday actually :O I swear, his character is so jjang! *O* I love Falcon! ♥
Uwahh, so I was going to plan on doing something for his birthday, but I have no ideas. Plus, Japanese entertainment companies are more strict with fan sent things. In fact, I don't think you're allowed to send gifts in at all. Only fan mail. It's a shame really :/
So I went to see Kick-Ass (the film) earlier. It was really good and so funny! Although it turned out to be more violent and rude than I thought! But I loved the girl's character, Hit Girl, she's so fesity hehe >D
It's about this comicbook loving high school boy who decides to dress up as a (super)hero and save innocent people's lives. It's a great film to watch, if you can handle a lot of swearing and occassional Kill Bill-esque violence.
I'm working on a new project at the moment... it's a secret, but hopefully, all will be revealed soon :)
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Okay, I just had my school's annual Spring concert, which went pretty well.
Plus, I have a big responsibility, being leader of the orchestra, and I'm Violin I in my string quartet.
On the way back home, instead of congratulating me or saying well done, my mum decides to harass me with questions such as "Before you did your economics exam, did you actually read any books about economics? And answer honestly."
Not only was I hurt by this, but I was angry at the fact she was asking me this after a concert when I'm tired and just want to get home. (And to be honest, I don't even know why she suddenly brought that up.)
Of course, I answered "a bit", as I'm in the middle of reading this book titled "Freakonomics" which my teacher gave the class.
And then she said, " 'A bit' isn't good enough! You have to read more! That's why you failed your exam"
That's when I cracked. I started shouting at her saying,
"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU ASKING ME THIS?!! ARGHHHHHH READING ABOUT ECONOMICS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE EXAM. PLUS, I'M NOT GOING TO DO ECONOMICS, SO WHY ARE YOU ASKING??!!" I would just like to note, that the exam was on microeconomics (theory) and how reading about economics in life (macroeconomics) probably wouldn't have helped much for that module -___- We're doing macroeconomics at the moment though. Plus I did not fail that exam. Okay I didn't get the best grade, but then again, only 2 people got As. Whilst the rest got B-U. A lot of people are now dropping economics.. -sarcastic tone: I wonder why...
But then she started saying "Why do you have to shout at me like that, and take that tone of voice?!"
And after I burst/cracked, the rest of the journey was silent, whilst Classic FM was playing. I think the music pretty much summed up the atmosphere and my mood as well. Thank you Classic FM.
So yeah, at one point, I actually felt like just opening the car door and getting out. That's how angry and frustrated I was. And now, I just wanna cry T___T
Plus, I have a big responsibility, being leader of the orchestra, and I'm Violin I in my string quartet.
On the way back home, instead of congratulating me or saying well done, my mum decides to harass me with questions such as "Before you did your economics exam, did you actually read any books about economics? And answer honestly."
Not only was I hurt by this, but I was angry at the fact she was asking me this after a concert when I'm tired and just want to get home. (And to be honest, I don't even know why she suddenly brought that up.)
Of course, I answered "a bit", as I'm in the middle of reading this book titled "Freakonomics" which my teacher gave the class.
And then she said, " 'A bit' isn't good enough! You have to read more! That's why you failed your exam"
That's when I cracked. I started shouting at her saying,
"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU ASKING ME THIS?!! ARGHHHHHH READING ABOUT ECONOMICS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE EXAM. PLUS, I'M NOT GOING TO DO ECONOMICS, SO WHY ARE YOU ASKING??!!" I would just like to note, that the exam was on microeconomics (theory) and how reading about economics in life (macroeconomics) probably wouldn't have helped much for that module -___- We're doing macroeconomics at the moment though. Plus I did not fail that exam. Okay I didn't get the best grade, but then again, only 2 people got As. Whilst the rest got B-U. A lot of people are now dropping economics.. -sarcastic tone: I wonder why...
But then she started saying "Why do you have to shout at me like that, and take that tone of voice?!"
And after I burst/cracked, the rest of the journey was silent, whilst Classic FM was playing. I think the music pretty much summed up the atmosphere and my mood as well. Thank you Classic FM.
So yeah, at one point, I actually felt like just opening the car door and getting out. That's how angry and frustrated I was. And now, I just wanna cry T___T
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
OMB (Oh My Buddha)
I actually think I'm IN LOVE.
He's Eurasian like me.
He loves different cultures and people like me.
He loves to travel like me.
He likes Korean BBQ and Lumpia like me.
In 10 years time he sees himself owning some kind of business—He wants to be an entrepreneur, and either have his company in the US or overseas.
He's only two years older than me.
His name is JR Celski.
And unfortunately, he's a world athlete D:
Chances are like 0.02
He's going to UC Berkeley... I NOW WANNA GO TO UC BERKELEY.
Even if I don't get in, I will go to a Uni which has an exchange program with them :)
But OMB I love him so much. He has so much ambition and he speaks words of wisdom.
He's so smart and sexy x]
And he has the hottest body *O*
He's half Polish, half Filipino, making him Eurasian, like me! OMB he's just sex on a stick.
I'm literally in LOVE with him now.
Forget all the Korean and Japanese pop stars, idols etc.
Haha no, just kidding. But I will continue to love him forever~
So yeah. Enough of the SEX GOD who makes me jizz in my pants...
I've been looking at Universities lately, and although I've always said I don't want to go up North (if I go to a Uni in England) I'm actually really liking the look of Edinburgh, they do Chinese and Japanese! :D Plus, they have an exchange program with UC Berkeley ;D as well as Chicago. Which is a Uni I'm considering if I can do well on the SAT and go to America :)
Anyways, need to get ready to pack and stuff, I'm boarding at school for the next few nights. Because of a school production that I'm playing in which finishes late at night. Wish me luck~!
I actually think I'm IN LOVE.
He's Eurasian like me.
He loves different cultures and people like me.
He loves to travel like me.
He likes Korean BBQ and Lumpia like me.
In 10 years time he sees himself owning some kind of business—He wants to be an entrepreneur, and either have his company in the US or overseas.
He's only two years older than me.
His name is JR Celski.
And unfortunately, he's a world athlete D:
Chances are like 0.02
He's going to UC Berkeley... I NOW WANNA GO TO UC BERKELEY.
Even if I don't get in, I will go to a Uni which has an exchange program with them :)
But OMB I love him so much. He has so much ambition and he speaks words of wisdom.
He's so smart and sexy x]
He's half Polish, half Filipino, making him Eurasian, like me! OMB he's just sex on a stick.
I'm literally in LOVE with him now.
Forget all the Korean and Japanese pop stars, idols etc.
Haha no, just kidding. But I will continue to love him forever~
So yeah. Enough of the SEX GOD who makes me jizz in my pants...
I've been looking at Universities lately, and although I've always said I don't want to go up North (if I go to a Uni in England) I'm actually really liking the look of Edinburgh, they do Chinese and Japanese! :D Plus, they have an exchange program with UC Berkeley ;D as well as Chicago. Which is a Uni I'm considering if I can do well on the SAT and go to America :)
Anyways, need to get ready to pack and stuff, I'm boarding at school for the next few nights. Because of a school production that I'm playing in which finishes late at night. Wish me luck~!
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